Hi, I'm Pratik.

I like nerdy stuff - mostly computer nerdy stuff.

I've always been fascinated by the inner workings of computers and enjoy experimenting with them. Currently, my main interests revolve around systems programming, system administration, and security research.

I created this website to have my own personal corner of the internet. Here I intend to share my knowledge, document my learning experiences, and showcase projects. I also hope this blog serves as a platform to connect with fellow enthusiasts, share insights, and perhaps inspire others to embark on their programming adventures.

I am a free/open-source software advocate and use GNU/Linux - and sometimes BSD - for almost all of my technical needs. Oh, and I am also a recently converted Nix/NixOS cultist1.

Currently, I'm focused on Zig and Rust for most of my projects. Although I also speak C/C++ and sometimes Python. Sorry, not a functional bro yet... yet.

Feel free to reach out for collaboration, feedback, or just a friendly chat!


here are my dotfiles